Rope Skipping
Teachers in charge
Mdm Siti Aisha (1st IC)
Mrs Sharon Lam (2nd IC)
Mrs Seetha Dhillon
Mdm Gao Xin
Mdm Suhaila
Mrs Brindha Menon
Ms Edna Teo (coach)
Mr Don Lui (coach)
Mr Kevin Koh (coach)
CCA Schedule
Day |
Time |
Tuesday |
7.30am - 9am
Wednesday |
2pm - 3.30pm |
Friday |
2pm - 3.30pm
Rope skipping, also known as jump-roping, is a fun and classic activity that's great for kids and adults alike! It's an excellent way to get some exercise, improve coordination, and boost cardiovascular health.
There are many types of rope skipping events such as speed events and freestyle events. The events are often separated by gender and age.
In speed events, a jumper alternates their feet with the rope going around the jumper every time one of their feet hit the ground for 30 seconds, one minute, or three minutes. The jumper is judged on the number of times the right foot touches the ground in those times.
In freestyle events, jumpers use a variety of basic and advanced techniques in a routine of one minute, which is judged by a head judge, content judges, and performance judges. Different techniques can be used when skipping and these can be used individually, or combined in a series, to create a routine.
Some benefits of rope skipping include:
1. Improves cardiovascular fitness
2. Increases agility and coordination
3. Burns calories and aids in weight management
4. Strengthens legs and core muscles
5. Enhances bone density
6. Reduces stress and improves mood
Many professional trainers, fitness experts and MMA fighters greatly recommend skipping for burning fat over any other alternative exercises like running and jogging.
Adapted from:
To stimulate interest and love for the sport among students.
To instil sportsmanship and fair play among students.
NSG Senior Competition 2024
Senior Boys:
Individual Creative – 4th
Pair Creative – 3rd
NSG Junior Competition 2024
Junior Boys:
Individual Speed – 1st
Double Under – 1st
Speed Relay – 3rd
Individual Creative – 3rd
Pair Creative – 4th
Junior Girls:
Double Under - 1st
NSG Senior Competition 2023
Senior Boys:
Double Dutch – 3rd
Double Under – 4th
Senior Girls:
Pair Freestyle – 5th
Speed Relay – 6th
NSG Junior Competition 2023
Junior Boys:
Speed Relay – 1st
Double Under – 2nd
Pair Freestyle – 2nd
Double Under - 3rd
Individual Speed – 4th
Individual Freestyle - 4th
Junior Girls:
Double Under - 1st
Individual Freestyle - 4th
Team Freestyle – 4th
Double Dutch – 5th
Speed Relay - 7th