Teachers in charge
Ms Sandy Yeo (1st IC)
Mdm He Xueya (2nd IC)
Ms Olivia Pan
Ms Soon Lay Har
Ms Choo Lee Tiang
Ms Venny Chan
CCA Schedule
Time of CCA
Tuesday (7.30am – 9am) Semester 2
Wednesday and Friday (2pm - 4pm)
For school team members only
Wushu was set up in Bendemeer Primary School in 2007. It aims to cultivate pupils’ interests in Wushu as well as to develop discipline and perseverance among pupils as they master the moves and routines involving fists and weapons.
Variety of Training Programmes:
Basic Routine for Beginners:
- Basic Wushu Stunts and Moves
- Wu Bu Quan (五步拳)
Fist Routines for Intermediate Learners:
- 3-Duan Nan Quan (三段南拳)
- 3-Duan Chang Quan ( 三段长拳)
- 5-Duan Nan Quan (五段南拳)
- 5-Duan Chang Quan ( 五段长拳)
Weapon Routines for Intermediate Learners:
- 5-Duan Broadsword (五段刀)
- 5-Duan Spear (五段枪)
- 5-Duan Cudgel (五段棍)
Fist Routines for Advance Learners:
- Jing Sai Nan Quan (竞赛南拳)
- Jing Sai Chang Quan (竞赛长拳)
Weapon Routines for Advance Learners:
- Jing Sai Broadsword (竞赛刀)
- Jing Sai Spear (竞赛枪)
- Jing Sai Sword(竞赛剑)
- Jing Sai Cudgel (竞赛棍)
Pupils learn to internalise and demonstrate the values that they have learnt in school.
Pupils learn and demonstrate the 21 st Century skills relating to self and relationship with others.
Pupils also learn to work cooperatively with peers and demonstrate values of teamwork when they practise group routines that involve synchronized movements among team members.
1st International Broadsword (2nd position National)